One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda with an anime adaptation. It focuses on a ragtag crew of heroic pirates called the Straw Hats, formed and led by Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy's greatest ambition is to obtain the world's ultimate treasure, One Piece, and become Pirate King.
Straw Hat Pirate's Crew List :
Monkey D. Luffy a.k.a the Straw Hat (Captain)
Bounty (300,000,000 Berry)
Roronoa Zoro a.k.a Pirate Hunter (Swordsman)
Bounty (120,000,000 Berry)
Nami a.k.a Burglar Cat (Navigator)
Bounty (16,000,000 Berry )
Usopp a.k.a Soge King (Sharp Shooter)
Bounty (30,000,000 Berry)
Sanji a.k.a The Black Leg (Chef)
Bounty (77,000,000 Berry)
Tony Tony Chopper a.k.a the candy lover (Doctor)
Bounty (50 Berry)
Nico Robin a.k.a The Devil Girl (Archaeologist)
Bounty = 80,000,000 Berry
Franky a.k.a Cutty Flam a.k.a The Cyborg (Shipwright)
Bounty = 44,000,000 Berry
Brook a.k.a The Living Skeleton (Musician)
Bounty = 33,000,000 Berry
Kamis, 13 Maret 2008
One Piece
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Mugiwara Pirates
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brook itu bountynya 30.000.000 beli
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